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1 avis sur Kaolin

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Par , le 25/11/2014

I admired the store for weeks before finally having the time to go inside. BUT, the salesman there is so completely full of hatred, it ruined my evening. I was excited to go to their store, but I can't begin to explain the way that this man ran me out of his store. This man followed me around in an incredibly aggressive manner, and even made grunting sounds when I would admire something. When I smiled at him, he very adamantly refused to make eye contact, but insisted on standing 2 feet away from me and staring at me with what seemed to be pure anger as soon as I went back to looking at the items. It really felt like he was actually staring me down with disgust. I promise that I had done nothing but walk through the store in pure admiration, and a few attempted smiles. I really did love the store. But this man's energy was enough to frighten someone. When I felt I should engage him in conversation because he was breathing over my shoulder (I spoke in French and asked what the bottle in question was meant to be used for), he again refused to make eye contact, and refused to answer me. (In fact he made a grand display of sweeping his head to the side as if he was refusing to speak to me). He was acting very bizarrely and almost trying to intimidate me into leaving his store. When I tried to talk to him about why he was ignoring me, he started yelling at me and relished in the possibility of an argument. I left the store. HORRIBLE, and totally inexplicable given that I was nothing but appreciative for finally being able to see the store in person. I will never return.

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